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"Arcturian spiritual science techniques"

In this workshop, Xavier invites us to experience the process of planetary Ascension, evidencing the old patterns, the old customs and their ways of understanding "life", which are changing rapidly.


Recognize that our lower bodies, physical, mental and emotional, need a time to get used to those changes, time they do not have because of the imminence of them.

Considers that in order to support and accelerate this ascension process, individual and collective, which is taking place, we Arcturians are collaborating with starseeds and conscious light workers, through different telepathic channels, in order to give to know messages, concepts, clarifications and techniques of Arcturian Spiritual Science, that can be of help to every human being that decides to join this movement of planetary liberation.


This compilation of Arcturian information will help you to understand, understand, integrate and manifest the true essence of your souls, the true meaning of "living".

Welcome, to the fifth dimension, I am Julian, we are the Arcturians.

Friday September 6

17:45 - 19:15        





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Theoretical / practical


1hour y 30 min


* You can only access the purchase of the workshops by obtaining Tickets for the Congress. Workshops only for Congress attendees.

* All workshops have a very limited capacity and will have to be reserved with a minimum of 30 days prior to the Congress. Subject to availability.

* This program may be subject to last minute changes due to the agendas of the speakers and external reasons outside the organization.

* All possible changes will be notified to all our users and buyers, via mail and RRSS.

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