El Congreso Mundial de Ufología reúne a investigadores de renombre internacional, ufólogos, científicos, visionarios y conferencistas de todo el mundo, tanto en inglés como en español, presentando información innovadora en el campo de la ufología.
Un congreso de tres días situado en Barcelona, una ciudad con un gran legado cultural, artístico y espiritual.
The Ufology World Congress 2019

I was born in Barcelona in 1960 and, after 32 years of living life in a way considered normal by a large number of people, I began to realize that a part of me did not agree with that "normality" and that the reality I perceived It did not fill me. I decided then to pay attention to a "kind of call" that I felt and grew more and more strongly in my interior.
I started my new path as a Reiki therapist, and later as a teacher of this discipline in my hometown. Little by little I was increasing my knowledge about the inner growth of the human being and I started to teach courses oriented to this end.
Since the year 2001 I organize initiatory trips to sacred points of the planet: Egypt, Mount Shasta (California), Avalon (South of England), North Pole and Holy Land (Israel). The trips are transformed into a spiritual experience, both group and individual, performing different exercises in the areas of power of each place.
In 2004, I founded the ESPAI ASSOCIATION OF NOVA TERRA, in which I continued teaching courses and lecturing. A short time later I began to carry out both activities in different cities of Spain and I have participated as a speaker of congresses of national and international scope, these are some of them:
Science and Spirit Congress (Barcelona, Madrid, Seville), Extraterrestrial Presence Congress (Barcelona 2013), 1st International Consciousness New Humanity Congress (Madrid 2013), Visions of the New Humanity (Argentina 2013).
I have also done a lot of interviews in various radio and television programs in local, national and international channels that you can easily find on the internet.
I am a member of the Scientific Committee of the Association of Physicians and Healers (Pioneer Project in Spain led by Dr. Paco Barnosell to achieve Integrative Medicine Officially).
In 2013, I began the expansion of my work in Latin America in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay and Mexico. I also make frequent trips to Miami where I teach seminars and workshops.
My mission is to provide practical, simple and simple tools for the human being to remember his true essence and to be able to apply it consciously in the actions of his daily life, for this it is important to be able to answer the questions: Who are we? What are we? and What we do here, so that later we can decide to take charge of the answers that we are discovering.
"To be true to the truth, I have to confess that, in recent years, my life has changed a lot, but I do not feel special or different. I think you have to normalize the word channel, channel and channel. I am also of the opinion that there is no need to frivolize about channeling, because it is something very serious, vital and necessary at this moment.
Since I started this road I have not set any goal, nor do I intend to convince anyone. I only ask my guides and teachers to always give me the information they need at that moment the souls that are in front of me, to do my job as best as possible. It does not concern me to believe me or not, it does not concern me that they accept me or criticize me. The only thing I can do is carry out my work with the utmost honesty, responsibility, clarity, transparency and, as far as possible, humility. Using the heart and energy of Love.
The greatest gift that Life has offered me is the unconditional support of many of the people, who say that my message and my work have helped them to find themselves, to all of them I am deeply grateful because in some moments I would have been impossible to continue forward without your breath.
From heart to heart"