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The Ufology World Congress 2019




Jaime Eduardo Rodríguez Tanguay is an Ecuadorian ufologist. He is known for giving lectures on the UFO phenomenon around Latin America, among his research topics is from the unidentified flying objects "flying saucers", passing through the abductions, supposed extraterrestrial diplomacy, to the apparent archeology prohibited in the Cave of the Tayos, all related to ufology. His career as a ufologist is well known in Ecuador that covers decades, with television programs such as UFO Evidence and Ignotum.


Since he was little Jaime Rodríguez was very restless and hyperactive, which made it unbearable for schoolmates and teachers, which is why he was expelled from several educational establishments, passing through six different schools, such as in the city of Cuenca, where he studied in the Pius XII Academy, the Bilingual, the Asunción, the Borja, and then in fourth grade was interned in the Santo Tomás Apostle of the city of Riobamba, until finally he returned to Cuenca, to finish fifth and sixth grade in La Salle. He had the same problem in high school, where he studied at the Salesian Technician, then he was changed to La Salle, where he passed the third year, as his father asphalt the entrance way of the educational institution, and finally graduated from high school at the Borja school, in 1975.


Due to Rodriguez's interest in the UFO subject, he dedicated his life to the research and collection of testimonies in the field of ufology. This hobby has led him to make several conferences on the subject around Ecuador and several countries, and according to the newspaper El Tiempo, Rodríguez manages a vocabulary enriched with hundreds of technical terms, capable of maintaining the attention of an entire audience for 120 minutes. uninterrupted.


In Ecuador there is a general regulation to the Broadcasting and Television Law, where one of its few prohibitions is cited as follows: "Broadcasters and television stations in compliance with their respective codes of ethics are prohibited from transmitting under any concept programs directed by mentalists, parapsychologists, fortune tellers, also includes this prohibition to programs that induce medical or cultural errors, that affect the physical or mental health of the population ". And because the UFO phenomenon, despite having explanations as atmospheric phenomena in most logical cases, when an extraterrestrial relationship is attributed to it, the evidence investigated ends up being in many cases of fraud, becoming known by many as pseudoscience when there is no logical explanation to the event, so in the prohibition of Broadcasting and Television Law, the ufology branch would be at the end of cultural errors, however, although it is forbidden to broadcast programs of this type, the Ecuadorian television does not follow the orders and that is why Rodriguez has a place in the media, in programs such as Day to Day or TV, where he has spoken about the presence of extraterrestrials in volcanoes or stones placed on the slopes of Pichincha .


It also had its own program on the Ecuavisa International signal, called UFO Evidence.

By 2015, he already had three seasons of his program CNG Ignotum, which deals with the stories he has followed about sightings in volcanoes, lakes and other places in Ecuador, even though his first season was also about paranormal phenomena , since all these types of topics have no place in conventional media. In the program seeks to expose the alleged evidence and that people who draw their own conclusions, so Rodriguez clarifies: "My work is not aimed at convincing anyone, this issue is not a matter of beliefs, beliefs gesticulate a truth like Absolute This is a matter of understanding, not of believing. "

According to Jaime Rodríguez, since 1979 UFO sightings began to be recorded in Ecuador. Since 1982 he has tried for the first time to request, through letters addressed to the Ministry of Defense, that the investigation of the UFO phenomenon in the country be made official.

Jaime Rodríguez has tried for several years to get the Ecuadorian government to order the declassification of documents related to the UFO phenomenon that the Armed Forces have. According to Rodriguez, he claims to have the testimony of at least forty soldiers who witnessed the descent of ships in the heliport of the detachment of the El Tigre area of ​​eastern Ecuador, which allegedly fired at the object that immediately disappeared into the air.

Among the files that Rodríguez seeks to declassify, is the supposed visit to the embassy of Ecuador in Lima, Peru, of Comandante Banghú, which would be a possible extraterrestrial, who would own a fleet of ships.

In 2003, Rodríguez tried through the Minister of Defense Óscar Ayerde, that under the government of Lucio Gutierrez the declassification of the documents related to the UFO phenomenon was ordered, and that the creation of the Ecuadorian Commission for the Investigation of the UFO Phenomenon (CEIFO) was ordered ), which was created in 2005 and is preceded by Rodríguez. From there, the investigation of 44 cases involving three branches of the Armed Forces of the country, in different cities, began.


On June 25, 2007, he got the Rafael Correa government, from the order to the director of the National Security Council of Ecuador (COSENA) to declassify those documents. Despite the order of the president, the Ecuadorian military refused to said order, stating that they receive orders only from their military superiors, according to Rodríguez, who also stated that they have affirmed that they recognize the existence of flying objects unidentified

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