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The Ufology World Congress



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José Jaime Maussan Fleet (Cd. Mexico, may 31, 1953) is a journalist and researcher, who has used his work mainly to social reporting, environmental, scientific advances and the search for intelligent life outside of our planet. It was outstanding conductor [60 minutes] for almost two decades and is currently known for its investigative journalism, direction and conduction of the program "Third Millennium", transmitted by TV.


In 1973, his career began with the report "Children addicts" Which came to be shown at Cannes film festival in France in 1973 and which made it win the award "Gustavo Alatriste"


In the 1980's with the research of the traffic of blood, as in Mexico, sold and bought blood without control, and with several measures taken in the wake of this research prevented a major spread of the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.


In 1982, The World Institute of population selects it’s research "Genesis and Apocalypse" a four-hour series that spoke of the population explosion and the growth is so accelerated that he lived in Mexico city and was the winner of between 7000 jobs to be awarded on the room Mike Mansfield in the u.s. Capitol building in Washington for statistics and information, giving a vision of what today affects strongly to the humanity.

In 1988, through its research reports, the indian [Tarahumara], provided a major support, after two one-hour programs, they lived a better winter because it was "The rescue of National Tarahumara" Because of the conditions of Poverty and Hunger they were.

However, his dedication and concern in various social areas, mainly related to the environment, it also did highlight a very important way, as it did with the monarch butterfly in 1979, because after the report "The Monarch, the queen of the butterflies" Was Protected In it’s wintering areas, the president José López Portillo declared as natural protected areas in Mexico, avoiding the felling of the Oyameles mainly, and developing eco-tourism, which also led him to win the ONDAS award in Spain.


In 1980 has contributed in a very significant way with the information related to climate change, in addition to reporting to promote the care of the marine turtle, in conjunction with the World Wild Life Found in 1983, making a valuable contribution to the protection of the species in Mexico, as this was crucial for legislation in 1991 to the protection of the turtle as it halted much of the carnage around her, as well as the trafficking and sale of eggs for human consumption, avoiding extinction and increasing its population today up to a million copies of the same.

1986 Is one of the first to investigate the issue of overheating and global climate change. In 1987, Mexico is the first country to ratify the Pact of Montreal after Jaime Maussan makes relevant contributions to the information about the damage caused by the ozone lm¡ayer. In the same way he made important allegations for the protection of the La camndon jungle the forest of Chimalapas, avoiding the construction of a road in the middle of it. As well as important revelations in relation to the phenomenon of the CHILD in 1988.


All of this work leads him to win from the hands of Mostafat Olva director-general of the programme for the United Nations environment UNEP the Global 500 award, 5 June 1990, For "outstanding Achievements in the protection of the environment.


In 1994, warns the risk of an eruption of the volcano Popocatepetl, highlighting the risk to the City of Mexico and Puebla mainly.


This reality leads him to an important message from the planet Earth, and relates it in search of another intelligence. He had anticipated important events such as the discovery of water on Mars since 1991 and the possibility of life on other planets in the universe. It is up to the 27 February 2017 that NASA has officially announced that there are planets with possibilities of life to 40 light-years from Earth.


In 1991 broke records in the Mexican Television to the side of Nino Canun and his program, “What do you think?” as transmitted by 11 and a half hours with the topic UFOs




He studied in communication, as well as journalism at UNAM and Miami University in Ohio, USA. UU ..

He worked in the following media, mainly as a reporter.


  • 1970 to 1971 worked as a weekly reporter in the program "Ariete"

  • 1971 In the newspaper "The Sun of Mexico"

  • 1972 In the newspaper "The hobby"

  • 1972 Editor in Tele System Mexican

  • 1973Reporter "24 Hours W Radio"

  • 1973 News Reporter Television program "Today Saturday" with Jacobo Zabludovsky

  • 1974-1976 Correspondent Televisa in the United States]

  • 1976 General information reporter for the "24 hours"

  • 1977 General coordinator of the television program "Domingo a Domingo" of Televisa with Jacobo Zabludovsky

  • 1977-1979 Director of sixty reports of 45 minutes for the program "Domingo a Domingo" of Televisa1979 Director of the series "The myth and magic of the Rufino Tamayo" of Televisa with Jacobo Zabludovsky

  • 1980-1995 Reporter on the program "60 minutes" of Televisa with 170 reports of one hour of aerial investigation1985-1990 Head of information in the program "60 minutes" of Televisa

  • 1989-1990 Director of investigative reporting for the news and entertainment system "ECO"

  • 1990-1995 General director of the television show "60 minutes" on Televisa

  • 1991 President and founder of the company "Research Programs"

  • 1991- 2000 Director of 20 commercial videos including "Magnicidio" ("Life and death of Luis Donaldo Colosio") "The enigmas of Guadalupe" "The UFO series" and 9 chapters

  • 1991-2013 Lecturer at conferences and events in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Norway, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, Holland, Italy, Turkey, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, England and Germany.

  • 1992-2012 Advisor of the Miguel Alemán Foundation for the environment.

  • 1993-1994 Direction and realization of 50 programs "The summit of the earth" of Televisa

  • 1997-2016 Director and producer of the "Third Millennium" program of Televisa 1997 Producer and general director of the second UFO World Congress Acapulco

  • 1997-1999 Director General of the Third UFO World Congress Acapulco

  • 1999-2002 Director General of the EXATERRESTRES radio program on MVS radio with national transmission

  • 2002 Producer of the radio program "Blue Planet" by Mega system ABC Radio2 003 Pioneer in television programs on the Internet










  • 60 Minutes con Mike Wallace

  • NBC Special

  • The New Explorers

  • Strange Universe

  • Unsolved Mysteries

  • UFO Special Discovery Channel

  • Los Archivos Secretos de Jaime Maussan

  • Stranger Things


-Has participated in television programs in Germany, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, among others.


- Has participated in the recording for programs of the subject UFO-Extraterrestrial for the producers of documentaries and series like:


• History Channel

• Discovery Channel

• National Geographic

• Univision among others.


- Has given lectures on the subject UFO in Mexico, England, New Zealand, Australia, Turkey, Japan, Italy, among others.


- Has attended more than 20 International Congresses.


The works that made him known as a reporter and researcher, carried out them within the television program "60 Minutos", where he carried out research on the environment and social denunciation; Was the series of reports "Genesis and Apocalypse", Mexico and the world towards the year 2000, which marked his career as a journalist and researcher.




Among the awards he has received include:


• 1973 "GUSTAVO ALATRISTE" Award for: "CHILDREN DRUGS" of the 60 Minutes program, also presented at the Cannes Film Festival.


• 1980 ONDAS Award in Barcelona, Spain for: "MONARCA, QUEEN OF BUTTERFLIES".

• 1982 World Population Institute Award in Washington DC US. Series: "Genesis or apocalypse"

• 1983 National Journalism Prize Mexico.

• 1987 National Journalism Prize of the Club of Journalists of Mexico.

• 1990 "AMPRYT" Award for the "60 Minutes" program.

• 1990 Tourism Excellence Prize of the Miguel Aleman Foundation for the report: "Ecology, Tourism and Ecotourism"

• 1992 "AMPRYT" Award for the "60 Minutes" program.

• 1992 Prize "FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION" Association of Journalists of Puebla.

• 1992 "EL SOL DE ORO" Award from the National Journalists Circle.

• 1993 National Journalism Award of the Club of Journalists of Mexico.

• 1993 "LAS PALMAS DE ORO" Award from the National Journalists Circle.

• 1993 "Selva Lacandona" Prize by the Mexican Association of Journalists.

• 1999 "El Sol de Oro" Prize of the National Circle of Journalists for their trajectory and for the seriousness in the treatment and investigation of their reports.

• 2003 International Laurel Gold Award for Quality Mexico-Spain

• 2005 Prize of the National Association of Announcers as "Leader of Opinion and Balance in the Radio.

• 2006 George Adamski International Prize Rome

• 2006 Prize of the Cultural Association "Giordano Bruno" Sant'elpidio, Italy.

• 2007 Special Prize "El Sol de Oro 2006-2007" for its journalistic and scientific research trajectory.

• 2009 Prize "Quetzalcoatl 2009", for its contribution to the improvement of the environment.




• 1983 World Wildlife Fund for contributing to conservation and research work on sea turtles and multiple awards and recognitions for their contribution to environmental protection.

• 1998 Recognition by the World Health Organization for the "Third Millennium" program for its contribution to health promotion.

• 1999 Distinction of "La Plaza de las Estrellas", revealing the traces of his hands for his career as a researcher and journalist.

• 1999 Medal of honor of the Young Women's Association for its journalistic trajectory.

• 1999 "Microphone of Gold" of the National Association of Broadcasters of Mexico for its radio program "UFO, an intelligent phenomenon" in mega system ABC radio.

• 1999 Medal "Renato Leduc" of the Club of Journalists of Mexico for his career of 30 years of journalism.

• 2000 Platinum record for the sale of more than 300,000 copies sold of the interactive "STARMIX 2" CD-ROM.

• 2000 "Golden Microphone" of the National Association of Broadcasters of Mexico for its radio program "Investigative Journalism".

• 2005 "Courage in Journalism" (journalism) Exopolitica, Washington. D.C.

• 2008 For the "Information Campaigns Against Human Rights Abuses in Mental Health" awarded by CCHR International and Mexico.




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