El Congreso Mundial de Ufología reúne a investigadores de renombre internacional, ufólogos, científicos, visionarios y conferencistas de todo el mundo, tanto en inglés como en español, presentando información innovadora en el campo de la ufología.
Un congreso de tres días situado en Barcelona, una ciudad con un gran legado cultural, artístico y espiritual.

"The contact with the celestial brothers"
In this workshop, you will learn in a totally practical way different techniques with which you will be able to discover your potentials of extrasensory communication, as well as your physical abilities to be a candidate for an eventual contact of the first, second, third, fourth or fifth type with the brothers of the stars or other spheres of existence. Also, from the hand of the contractor, journalist and therapist Daniel Muñoz, specialist in alternative lines of knowledge, you will be able to know different techniques through which you will discover your eligibility for these encounters, either with the angelic beings, the intraterrestrial brothers, the elementals and even the so-called beings of darkness, in order to obtain an integral knowledge of these cultures and civilizations that invite us from so many places, or that already live on our planet.
You will learn the necessary techniques to be candidates to engage in possible communication and eventual contact with humanities from other latitudes of the Cosmos, including other dimensions and spheres of existence, through channeling, dream and mental communication, and even, a eventual physical contact.
Viernes 6 de Septiembre
17:00 - 18:30




* You can only access the purchase of the workshops by obtaining Tickets for the Congress. Workshops only for Congress attendees.
* All workshops have a very limited capacity and will have to be reserved with a minimum of 30 days prior to the Congress. Subject to availability.
* This program may be subject to last minute changes due to the agendas of the speakers and external reasons outside the organization.
* All possible changes will be notified to all our users and buyers, via mail and RRSS.